Lentil and Veggie Soup

This is a hit! Always warming, tasty and satisfying. The trick to making soup is making your own stock (recipe  listed as an earlier blog entry). It’s very easy and full of nutrition! Lentil and Veggie Soup: 2 Tbl olive oil (or canola) 1 each carrot, celery, onion, zucchini, diced 1/2 onion, diced 7 shiitake mushrooms,…

Introducing my blog…”I CAN’T EAT WHAT!!!

Woah woah woah! Ok ok…Wait a minute! Take it down! Calm down. You’re just going to get yourself sick and twisted up in a knot again. Is this how you felt? I know I did!  After years of not knowing why you didn’t feel good. Depressed? Tired? Bloated? Anemic? Joint pain? The list goes on and on. They…