Here are THREE easy, fun, gorgeous, yummy, nutritious and incredibly versatile recipes for you to start making now!

WATCH THIS VIDEO for instructions on making Pomegranate and Orange Creamsicle Gummies!

Here is another Video which is a more comprehensive discussion about bone broth, Collagens (all of it’s types and names it is marketing as) and Gelatin.

Scroll to the end for Recipe and added notes!


Root Beer Float Gummies: THE WHOLE RECIPE IS 100 calories and 20 gram of protein!!!

7 oz Root Beer, Divided (I recommend one that is Caffeine free, organic and made with raw sugar. Gluten Free one if necessary.)

3 oz Extra Creamy oat Milk- I like Planet Oat. You can use whatever milk you like.

2 scoops Gelatin (VERY IMPORTANT- Use a grass fed, organic, pasture raised product. I like Vital Gelatin.)

  1. Take 4 oz of root beer at room temp or cold and mix with gelatin. Stir until dissolved. Let sit while you warm up the other liquid.
  2. Heat remaining 3 oz of root beer and milk until boiling.
  3. Add hot mixture to gelatin mixture. Stir until incorporated.
  4. Place mix in any pan, silicon, 8×8…I used these silicone molds.
  5. Store in fridge to set, about 15 minutes. Slice or cut out shapes if you poured it into an 8×8 inch pan.

Fudgsicle Gummies: The whole batch is 230 calories.

2 oz Filtered water

8 oz Oat Milk, Divided ( Planet Oat is what I used. Use whatever you like. The creamier, the better. Canned Coconut milk would be the best but I was watching the calories and fat.

2-3 TBl cocoa or cacoa powder (I like mine extra fudgy so I used 3 TBL)

2-4 TBL Maple Syrup (I used 3 TBl, taste and adjust. It will lose some sweetness as it cools)

2 scoops Gelatin (VERY IMPORTANT- Use a grass fed, organic, pasture raised product. I like Vital Gelatin.)

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/8 tsp almond extract


  1. Take 2 oz of milk and 2 oz water at room temp or cold and mix with gelatin. Stir until dissolved. Let sit while you heat up the other ingredients.
  2. Heat remaining 6 oz of milk until boiling, cocoa, maple syrup and extracts (and any other flavorings) until boiling.
  3. Add hot mixture to gelatin mixture. Stir until incorporated.
  4. Store in fridge to set, about 15 minutes.
  5. Place mix in any pan, silicon, 8×8…I used these silicone molds.
  6. Store in fridge to set, about 15 minutes. Slice or cut out shapes if you poured it into an 8×8 inch pan.

Collagen Protein Bars- Makes 14 small bars. Each has 85 calories and 5 grams of protein.

4 scoops Collagen powder (I like Multi Collagen by Ancient Nutrition)

2 Scoops Vegan protein powder ( I love this one by Ancient Nutrition

3 Tbl Maple Syrup or Raw Honey (if over 2 years old and looking for extra health benefits) or any other liquid sweetener you like.

4 Tbl almond butter, unsweetened (or any other nut or seed butter you like. Can sub 1-2 Tbl of this for Food grade MCT oil or coconut oil)

2 Tbl EACH Ground Hemp seed and Flax Seed (See this Video for Hormone seed cycling if you are interested)

1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea salt

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  1. Mix it all together. I used a 1 tbl scoop and ungreased, plain mini muffin tins. It made 14 servings.
  2. Garnish with added nuts, goji, cocoa nibs, seeds, added sea salt…
  3. Set in fridge for 15 minutes.

1/8 tsp almond extract

NOTES for all three recipes:

  1. Sweetener- Use whatever you like. Consider your family and what they will eat. Always taste and adjust sweetness before setting in fridge. It (like ice cream) will lose a tiny bit of sweetness in the cooling process for the gummies.
  2. Have fun with this one: Change up spices, flavors, juices. Try pureed fruit and other juices (Tart cherry for instance is great for sleep, aches and pain and post workouts). Add other extracts and oils.
  3. Add more health benefits- CBD, Mushroom powders, Greens powders, other powdered medicinal herbs to either the gummies or the bars.
  4. If the gummies sets and you don’t like the flavor. Melt in a pan, adjust favors and reset. It is forgiving.