Time for pies pies and more pies…which typically, in the gluten free world , translates as pretty expensive, hard to manage, chock full of heavy processed carbs and Earth Balance that is usually just ok.

Not this crust. I got the base from The Gluten Free Vegan by Susan O’Brien. This is a cinch to make. A bit pricey yes, but soooo worth it. Healthful and versatile. You can play with the nuts and spices used to compliment you filling. Enjoy!

Raw Pie Crust:

4 c nuts

1 1/2 c dates, fresh and pitted (Fresh is important. This holds it together.)

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp each cardamom, nutmeg and ginger

1/2 tsp salt

1) Finely grind nuts in food processor.

2) Add the dates. Pour into lightly greased pie pan. Press down to shape with fingers.

3) Add your filling–-Ice cream

TIPS: Pre-grind the nuts. I through it all in at once one time and it didn’t work. Also, this is a lot of nuts. My Cuisinart worked well but Craig’s Kenmore Kitchen aid was on the small side. Harder to manage. I had to break it up.  It’s a think crust, you could probably squeeze out 2 8 inch tart or pie pans if you want more filling.