This is a GREAT recipe. Really moist in the center, almost like a brownie. Bake them at a low heat for a cookie or create a lovely truffle. Really yummy and a healthy treat for the whole family. Fun to make for the holidays. Obviously, you cold go into many different directions with nuts, seeds, spices and extracts. It’s an awesome base!

chocolate macaroons

1 1/2 c coconut, shredded and unsweetened

3/4 c almond meal, Trader Joe or hazelnut flour (FYI- this is expensive, that is  why I use the almond and it’s yummy)

1/2 c maple syrup

1/2 c coconut oil, melted

1 Tbl hazelnut extract

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp sea salt

1/4 c + 2 Tbl cocoa powder

4 oz chocolate. melted (I LOVE Enjoy Life.), optional

1 tsp of oil, optional

3/4 c hazelnuts, ground and toasted, optional


For Cookies:

1) Mix it all up, scoop into 1 inch balls (I use a truffle scoop) on greased or parchment lined cookie sheet. Freeze at least 2 hours.

2) Bake for 45-60 minutes on 250 degrees. Time will vary. The longer, the crispier.  They are very moist in the center.

3) Optional: Melt the chocolate chips with the oil. This is an old baker tip to keep the chocolate shiny and prevent blooming. Dip half of each macaroon then dip in ground hazelnuts.

 For Truffles:

1) Mix all ingredients and scoop into 1/2 or  1 inch balls. Freeze for 2 hours. Then dip completely  into the melted chocolate/oil mixture. Roll in ground nuts after if you would like.

2) Anther option- Mix, scoop then roll into cocoa powder then freeze. You could add a bit of confectioners sugar and sea salt to the cocoa powder if you would like!!!