About My Practice

Candida Schwartz ND - Vital Health Clinic
Candida Schwartz ND - Vital Health Clinic

Hello and thanks for your interest in Vital Health Clinic!

I wanted to take some time to introduce myself. I am a native of Camden, Maine. After high school, I graduated from the University of Maine with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Completely lost after graduation, some friends and I found our way to Portland, Oregon (a town I fell in love with). I always LOVED to cook so after trying my hand in offices, I enrolled in the Oregon Culinary Institute, graduating at the top of my class in 1997. I worked in restaurants (through medical school) doing every job for over 30 years. It remains close to my heart. In 2000, I started searching again. I actually went on a 4-month backpacking trip in South America. It was an incredible experience!

My life and interests took a major change in direction, however, when I met my Naturopath, Dr. Heidi Peterson. She completely validated my health concerns which had been chronic and unmanageable all of my life. My health improved tremendously. It was amazing to have time to speak with a doctor who understood my symptoms AND KNEW WHAT TO DO TO HELP AND SUPPORT ME! I then met another teacher, Rev. Liliana Barzola. She helped me gain awareness of my mental and spiritual body. Here, my world continued to shift and I found myself being interested in combining these two ways of approaching healing on a holistic level. With my Psych and Culinary backgrounds, all of my skills just kind of snapped into place. I began my premedical prerequisites and a new chapter of my story began!

I spent 5 years at The National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, Oregon studying Naturopathy. I graduated in 2011 and have been a working licensed Naturopathic Physician since. I lived in the Pacific North West for 23 years and loved it with all my heart. My husband and I did some soul searching once again after my family had some major trauma and decided to follow our hearts, moving back to Maine to be close to family.

I am excited to announce that I will be practicing in Camden, Maine beginning May 1st, 2020. I have been blessed since returning to Maine, working throughout the Midcoast. I have met so many great people. It has been an incredible homecoming. I have felt my work has been welcomed in the community with open arms. It has been incredible for me! I have created a cozy office space in Camden. I do all of my phone, Skype, and What’s App appointments from this space.

Also offered in my new office will be my Intuitive Health Meditation/Clearings, offered every New and Full Moon. I recently started recording the Moon meditations and am offering them on Vimeo.

I love the exciting professional choice I made. I feel that alternative health care providers are changing health care, as well as, the quality of life of our patients. My goal is to integrate all aspects of a person to support their individual wellness. I hope to support my patients in all aspects of their health from treating the common cold to depression to chronic illness and everything in between. I do this with kindness and respect. Hearing a patient’s personal story is a gift to the physician. I am honored to be welcomed into your lives and be a part of your health care. I would like to also say that I am happy to work with other practitioners on your team.

Obviously, at this point with COVID-19, I am only offering sessions and Naturopathic appointments via phone, WhatsApp and Skype. As soon as things are safe, I will be offering appointments at my new office and will resume house calls as needed.

As an additional side note, and as soon as possible, I’ll continue to offer treatments every 3 to 6 months in NYC. Another travel opportunity is to continue working in Portland, Oregon once a year. I am blessed to be able to work one on one with so many wonderful patients and clients in other states. Lastly, as always, I am available for sessions via phone, Skype, Messenger, and What’s App.

Thank you for hearing my story. I hope to learn yours soon too!

In great health,

Dr. Candida